Easement and Acquisition Monitoring

Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District (CSLRCD) performs annual monitoring activities for a number of agricultural and conservation easements across the district. In addition to easements, CSLRCD owns in fee title two properties, which were acquired for the purpose of wetland restoration and conservation.
Chorro Flats, a suite of agricultural parcels acquired in 1995, is located in the historic Chorro Creek floodplain. When the property was acquired, Chorro Creek had a levee along the far side of the property. The levee hydrologically disconnected the creek from the floodplain, resulting in increased sediment deposits into Morro Bay. Restoration activities included breaching the levee and creating secondary channels that allowed the flows to reconnect to the floodplain. In its first eight years, the reconnected floodplain captured more than 20,000 cubic yards of sediment.
The Los Osos Wetland Property, acquired by CSLRCD in 2015 with the objective of restoration, is similarly located on the historic floodplain of Warden and Los Osos creeks. CSLRCD wrote a Restoration Plan in 2018 and implemented restoration activities in 2021. For more information see Los Osos Creek Wetland Restoration.
Partners: LCSLO
Funders: Private Landowners
RCD Contact: Jackie Crabb, jcrabb@coastalrcd.org