Dunes Protected Area Restoration

From 2019 through 2022, Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District (CSLRCD) worked closely with California State Park, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County to protect the Federally Endangered Nipomo Lupine and preserve Giant Coreopsis in the Nipomo Lupine and Big Coreopsis Hill Dune Protected Areas (DPAs) by maintaining intact landscapes; reversing species and ecological process declines; recovering threatened species and ecological communities; and controlling emerging threats.

This project has been identified as a high priority in the Dune Protected Areas Conservation Strategy, which identifies critical areas and restoration opportunities to maintain the health of the Guadalupe Nipomo Dunes Complex (GNDC), and builds upon a legacy of work done at the site to ensure long-term success and prevent loss of effort.
Key restoration efforts include perennial veldtgrass, ice plant and slender leaf ice plant control using a combination of chemical and manual removal methods, as well as protection and enhancement of naturally-occurring populations of the Federally Endangered Nipomo lupine and its habitat.
Partners: State Parks, USFWS, English Air, DPMI
Funders: NFWF
RCD Contact: Samantha Alvarez, salvarez@coastalrcd.org