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Enterprise System Catalog

California law requires local agencies to publish a list of “enterprise” systems. These are systems that are used across multiple departments or that contain information collected about the public and are systems that serve as original sources of data within an agency. Certain systems are exempt from this requirement. Learn more about this law.

VendorProductSystem PurposeCategory/Data TypeCustodianCollection FrequencyUpdate Frequency
SpringAheadSpringAheadEmployee timekeepingEmployee time cardsNot applicableEvery monthAs needed
IntuitQuickbooksAccounting softwareGrant and vendor contact info, acctg records, payrollNot applicableAs neededAs needed
MicrosoftOffice SuiteCreating Admin docsAgendas, minutes e-mails, reports, contractsNot applicableAs neededAs needed
AdobeAcrobatDocument imaging/mgtPortable document format (PDF)Not applicableAs neededAs needed

Compensation Report

Government Code (GC) Section 53891 requires cities, counties and special districts to submit an annual Government Compensation in California (GCC) report to the State Controller’s Office.  Pursuant to GC Section 53891, the GCC report for the previous calendar year is due no later than April 30th.

Government Compensation in California Reporting — Special Districts

Financial Transaction Report

Government Code (GC) Section 53891 requires the financial transaction of each local agency to be submitted to the State Controller’s Office within seven months after the close of the fiscal year. The financial reports are due by January 31st.

Financial Transaction Report – Special Districts 2020.pdf

Long-term Strategic Plan

The California Public Resources Code Section 9413 states that a Resource Conservation District may develop annual and long-range work plans that will be updated every five years.

CSLRCD Strategic Plan 2020-2025.pdf


An annual audit of the books, accounts, records, papers, money, and securities shall be made as required by Section 26909 of the Government Code and pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 9528.

Audit June 30, 2021.pdf

Annual Report

The California Public Resources Code Section 9413 states that a Resource Conservation District may prepare an annual district report which shall be completed on or before September 1 of each year.

Annual Report 2021-2022.pdf